How to Use Career Coaching in Your Job Search
Here are 5 ways career coaching can help you find your next role:
Deciding What to Do Next: Maybe you’re feeling like your job is fine, but it’s missing something; you can’t see yourself doing it for the next 10 or 20 years. Maybe you know you need a change, but there are so many options it’s overwhelming and you don’t know where to start. Coaching can help you identify your strengths and discover the work you find energizing, and help you identify roles that match.
Telling Your Story: Your story is one of the most important pieces of the job search. Coaching can help you turn a list of strengths into a compelling narrative, one that drives your search, resume and interviews.
Screening for Values-Fit: Knowing your strengths will help you see the big picture of possible roles you could be happy doing. Knowing your values allows you to screen specific companies to find an environment where you can thrive. Coaching can help you identify your values and craft questions you can ask to see if a company is a real fit.
Partnering on Your Resume: Some coaches (like me) will review your resume to make sure it tells a clear story that reflects your strengths and values and provide verbal feedback on your resume. There are also resume specialists who’ll write your resume for you.
Creating a Plan: Throughout this process, a coach can help you break your search down into doable steps and provide accountability for tasks like informational interviewing.
I work with clients in all of these ways. If you’re interested, please email me at, or schedule a free 30 minute consultation here.